Our Company "Niraj Ispat Industries Limited" was incorporated on 19th August 1985 under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 with Registrar of Companies. The CIN (Corporate Identity Number) of the Company is L27106DL1985PLC021811. Presently, the registered office of the company is situated at 5140-41/34, F/F Chaudhary Market Gali Peti Wali, Rui Mandi, Sadar Bazar Delhi North Delhi-110006 .The Company is currently listed with National Stock Exchange of India Limited. The company is carries on the business of manufacturing of polyester buttons in two or four thread holes used in dresses, sweaters, pouches and shirts. These buttons can be availed in variety of colors, sizes and designs. We are offering these polyester buttons to our clients at cost effective prices